Fleet Operators: Act Now for up to $250k in Funding Towards Tires!
Capitalize on the opportunity before program changes take effect April 1st, 2024
Feb 16, 2024

With the launch of the Green Freight Grant Program in Canada, fleets have an opportunity to leverage government grant funding to support sustainability transformation initiatives and the purchase of equipment such as low rolling resistance tires.
Until March 31st, 2024, fleets are eligible for up to 50% of the cost of eligible tires, up to $250,000 per fleet. After April 1st, program changes are taking place - more on that below.
In support of our shared vision of improving fleet efficiency and profitability, we’ve created a new national partnership between Bridgestone and Green Freight Assessments. This partnership brings together the global leader in commercial tire technology and mobility solutions, and a pioneer in supporting fleets with the Green Freight Grant Program in Canada.
Unlocking Green Opportunities
Through the Green Freight Grant Program, fleets are currently eligible for:
Up to $250,000 in funding until March 31st, with 50% of eligible tire costs being reimbursable
After April 1st, funding amounts are being adjusted for low rolling resistance tires to:
Up to $10,000 for regular low rolling resistance tires, with 20% of tire costs being reimbursable
Up to $250,000 for wide base low rolling resistance tires, with 30% of tire and wheel costs being reimbursable
With funding being reduced for this category starting April 2024, there is no greater reason to act quickly and have your fleet assessed for tires and any other eligible retrofits you plan to make. Getting your fleet assessed today means you’ll also be able to apply for funding until 2027 (subject to program guidelines and funding availability).
The Roadmap to a Greener Fleet
In a world where sustainability is increasingly vital, Bridgestone and Green Freight Assessments are committed to increasing accessibility of the Green Freight Grant Program for fleets. By offering expert guidance, industry-leading tire solutions, and a seamless end-to-end approach, this partnership paves the way for fleets across the country to leverage government grant funding to improve fleet efficiency.
If your fleet is interested in tires eligible for funding across Bridgestone and Firestone brands and what may be available to you in grant funding through the Green Freight Program, please feel free to reach out to your Bridgestone or Firestone representative or Green Freight Assessments directly at
Together, we can create a transportation industry that not only meets the needs of today but also safeguards the planet for future generations!